The goal of each of the Bud to Blossom programs is to provide a mind-stretching atmosphere which instills in each child a lifelong love of learning, a sense of wonder about the world around them, and a thirst to know all they can about their world in a positive, exciting learning environment.
Each Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten class lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes, and includes the following activities:
Discovery Time: 60 to 70 minutes which includes math, painting, story dictation, a language table, nature & science, cut and color table, pliable media, sensory table, imaginative and dramatic play, large manipulative (blocks and planned large muscle activities), bookmaking, cooking and other activities which apply to the theme of the week.
Outside Time: Each class involves the children for about 30 minutes in our 15,000 square foot playground, which includes riding trikes & scooters, a grassy hill, ball court, and equipment which invites climbing, swinging, sliding, hanging and stretching bodies to their full potential.
Group: About 30 minutes of each morning class is spent in celebrating math and language with songs, poems, stories, games, music, creative movement, drama, multi-cultural, ecology and anti-bias activities.
Show Time: Each child may bring one non-violent treasure from home to talk about with the other children as an introduction to public speaking.
As with our Preschoolers, the children in our Pre-kindergarteners class learn through discovery in the areas of math, reading and language, art, science, music, and drama. Each class day is devoted to encouraging exploration in the areas of painting, language, story dictation, bookmaking, science experiments, cooking, large and small manipulatives, nature study, and social dramatization. Children will develop skills necessary for public school kindergarten. Letter and number recognition, phonemic awareness, and daily calendar routines are all activities that will be helpful in preparing children to read.